View Profile St0rmChaser

24 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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you deserve my place !

Wow man ! that is the most awesome percussion style i have ever seen.
I especially like that variation with the 3 hats and 2 toms you use as percussion climax.

Im currently on 11'th place all time topscoring, and youré on the last one.
But we should swap places lol.

Keep going man,

Krussi responds:

Thanks, glad you liked it :D
I just took a listen to your song "Crescent Moon", and I certainly think NOT that we should switch places, that song was waaay better.
I love playing around with different percussions to give the beat a more unique sound, but sometimes it sounds too weird.

Anyhow, glad you liked it, and you should check out the original: DJ Toxic - Secret Melody

Thanks for the review, the 10 and the support Endeavour ^^

And I will keep on going :P


0_o um..

Well i must say its not bad for sure,
But its absolutely not worth the Top5.

quite mean ! =P, how do you get this song in the top 5 ?.

You might use another kind of synth to your lead to make it sound more professional ??

good luck =)

bossler13 responds:

I don't choose the top 5 my friend. I couldn't tell you how it got there. Thanks for the review

Very nice !!

I shall start with what i liked a lot. (which is the biggest part of this review).

You improved A LOT in your progressions, and i can say you even surpassed me in that. at 2.10 you did something with your melody, how did you do that ? was that a flanger ???. Also the melody ROCKS like hell. its full and bright with enough treble.

The counter melody you added later in your song is also wonderfull.
I would never think you had dead or alive 4 in your mind when you made this.
It is also suited for a loop xD.

The criticm :

Your intro.
That clap you placed in your intro didn't fit.
you should leave the first kick without a clap, and the second with a clap.
you now have the first kick with clap, second one without clap, and so forth.
you should reverse that.

I was listening this with a headset on, since my bass is actually blown to pieces.
(it fell on my head when i played a hard bass. the subwoofer is making small jumps, and his last jump was a launch of 1 metre full on my head... )

i can't review you more right now.
im tired as hell, and i dont have a full quality potential right now.
So it would probably be mean to write one.

In short:

I keep noticing improvements in your songs.
Some of your elements in your song are already better filtered than i can !.
Keep going mate =D

10/10 5/5
4.43 / 5.00 (+ 0.100)

Take Care,

PeckaPrime responds:

Thanks for this nice review man,
Im glad that you liked the song, the effect I used there is the phaser. It's always cool to hear that you like my melodies :D. Also DoA 4 rocks XD.

Thanks a lot for the heads up on that intro clap, I didn't notice it, but now that you mention it, I kinnda see it. Fixed that. I'll tweek with it some more when i stop lazying around.

So the sub tried to kill you ?, but you offcourse were ready for it, so you headbutted that muthaf***a. You don't mess with guys that run after storms.

Anyway, thanks for listening, reviewing, voting and enjoying this track. Thanks for the kind words, I'll be sure to bug you when i make something new. :)

You have fun now, and stay safe :D, see you later man.

Whew !

Hey there =D
as a ''thank you'' for the reviews you have done till now, i shall give you a very big review to =D.

I realy loved the start. it is very original and it gives a good feeling.
Also the bass i hear is very nice, it has a nice delay on it which fills the song on that moment.

at 0.25 the bass starts to get a nice 4 note phrase. after that the build started to come up, and i realy felt a climax boiling up. i did not expect what you did after the climax =P. i was thinking it was 155bpm or something but this should be 180bpm+ xD. but actually it turned out very great. l like it.
But perhaps you could have bring in the melody at bit earlier cause only a bass and a kick starts to get repetitive, especially at a high speed.
You managed to bring in variation very quickly though.
When the real melody was done filtering in, you changed the bass again.

Perhaps you could add a counterbassline to the bass, perhaps that would sound good. coming back on that first melody : I realy liked it, it was fast and not boring to listen to, and it got variated with that powerfull synth thing.
What i wouldnt have expeted (and what was totally kickass) was that you made a full melody out of that powersynth. that totally rocks and made a very nice variation. awesome !.

(some things i find important in a song)

BASS 4/5

24 out of 30 = 8

some criticm :

The bass was awesome as i already said, it changed a hell lot.
Many basses get boring after a while, but this one didnt.

I realy loved the percussion, you had a lot of it in your song, and i sounds great !.

I could not recognize the melody, so i dont think i know the VSTI, but the synths sure were fantastic.

It variated often, but they were rather short.
Well, 16 bar is not short, (when its lower than 180 bpm =P).
Perhaps you could try to make even more catchyer melodies and some longer ones.

Nothing to complain about that.
Its is very nicely done, and i didnt got bored a sec. (perhaps 2 or 3 seconds).

Everything was synced very well, and there was no single clipping mistake.
However, at the climax when a man says ''lets go'' i felt slightly out of beat for a second though, but that is nothing important ^^

Well that was my review.
It was my longest one till now, and very hard to make xD.
It is hard to explain everything in a song, and im not very good at it i think.
My english grammar is'nt good either, so it became even harder =P.

I have a lot of respect for you writing review like that xD.

Take Care,

8/10 5/5éd

Hellstick responds:

Thanks alot for the awesome review:D

About the bpm... Yeah, I cant help it... I love happy hardcore and as souch I often turn up the bpm:P You were also right in your asumption. The speed is exactly 180 bpm.

I also noticed you mentioned VST's... But the fact is that I use garageband and not FL (even though garageband is looked down upon here on NG). I simply made the synth by tweaking one of the sounds i found in the program till it had the sound you hear in the track now:P

I often try to make 8 bar melodies but i really REALLY suck at that. Otherwise i'd TOTALLY use 8 bar melodies more often:) Guess i'll just have to practice...

Also: The climax is not included in this preview. Most of what you hear here is a buildup to the first of 2 climaxes:P
Thank you for the long and kickass review! I'll be sure to take your advice into concideration before i upload the finished track:)


(ps- Yeah, it's a long and hard task to write these reviews... I'm glad you apriciate my work, but i actually write reviews in this way for a reason: I refuse to give reviews souch as "ZOMG IDZ DEH BEST! 10000/10". Souch reviews are useless and cant really be used for anything:S That's why i ALWAYS write long reviews (it's true, check out my review log). Some people think i try to mock them, but it's a burdon i have to live with in order to help people improve:)
As a last thing. I were able to understand everything you said. No need to apoligize for your english nor grammar today;)

Loved it !

Wow, a catchy intro with a very good tancesynth afterwards.
I also loved the gate synth in the break.

How did you manage to get such a beautifull bass !.
It almost completely vanished into the kick (which a bass needs to do) =D

You have a lot of potential my friend :D.
5/5 10/10
4.20 / 5.00 (+ 0.0040)

DjTrancite responds:

Thanks You :D


Amazing !

Yea you are realy getting the hang of club house music :D
Perhaps im going to participate in it to :D.
Unfortunately im soaking in homework right now xD.
Gotta find some sparetime in the weekend ^^
But hell yeah, this song could be a winner !


Dj-Brand0 responds:

Yeah I seem to be getting it right. I wanna be able to make it proper elecro house though, making stuff like "Dave Darell - Children". If I could make stuff like that I'd be like O_O zomgggg.

Yeah I'm pretty soaked in homework but this was an impulse song. Only took about an hour or so.

But yeashh, thanks for the review man. I listened to your collab, I gotta review it. I'll do it when I get back from school.

Thanks heaps.

-Cheers Brando

Cool :O

Hey there, its me, FlashBlack.
I created this account to post my newest songs on.
Im thinking about making a full song out of that melody.
However, i dont think i can make him as trancy as the one i have made for your song :P.

Atleast i can still try.
Also can't remember whether i reviewed this with 'FlashBlack' or not.
Anyway, here's a 5/5 10'10 :P.

Greetz St0rmChaser.
And feel free to check out my newer songs :P.

itsameyayo responds:

Thanks for the review! Oh, btw, the reason I didn't give you that sample back is because my computer crashed. I no longer have your original tune without my stuff written in. :(

-However, I will listen to your newer material. In fact, I've heard some of it. But I'll go listen again!



You realy have improved quite damn lot :O

This is actually starting to sound like a professional track !!.
I had a hard time with thinking of some criticm for this :P.

Maybe your first part of the song is a littlebit repetitive.
For the first 2.25 min nothing important happens :P.
After that theres a nice break which introduces a new melody, that is cool.
Maybe you could variate your melody at the second half of the first half of your song :P. and no melody variation, but a variation on the sounds.

Ok i realy can't say any more :P, the song is to good for any more critic points.
When you also fix the thing i stated above in your next song, and make the song variating a bit more, it will be better then my songs :P.

You have potential mate :)

greets St0rmChaser.
5/5 10/10 4.21 / 5.00 (+ 0.13)

P.S im also busy with a new song.
its called : St0rmChaser - Iron [RmX]

Its not done yet, and im uploading it as a test sub :P.
Could you review him ? ^^.
I bet u can think of some critic points :P.

PeckaPrime responds:

hehe, thanks mate
I see what you mean with the first melody, I agree, good suggestion.
I'll keep that in mind in the future, i'll experiment with variation some more.

Better than your songs eh ? About that, maybe when i pick up some more skills in FL I'll reach like 1/3 of your production level. Really man, each time i listen to one of your songs i go like "damn that dude probably spent 300% more time producing this then making all the patterns" It almost sounds overproduced occasionally :P.

Thanks friend,
new track eh ?, I'll go check it out

See ya


WoW :D i realy like it ^^.
Indeed the bass is incredibly awesome now :P.

However, there is something you need to be carefull of.
3xOsC is using its full volume which means 1.00dB.
Most of the other plugins, (like sytrus) have their max volume at 0.90dB to prevent any Distortion. your song has some light distortion, and with a headset on, it is clearly hearable.

You can prevent the distortion by altering your osc synth with a Fruity Limiter, or just lower the song's volume.

Put a Fruity DB meter in the master, and make sure it doesnt come above the 1.00 DB :P. If it does come above it, put a fruity compressor in your master FX, and switch the 'gain' button :P.

But this is a realy cool song tho :O.
Im going to continue my Iron songtrack again.
(that last piece of melody in it is also made in 3xosc :P.)

Take Care,

6/5 11/10. Downloaded

Dj-Brand0 responds:

Haha nice lol. Um yeah it probably does go over 1.00dB =\ I'll try fix that. I probably should use limiter and stuff. Since I hardly ever do :S

I'm glad you liked the song mate.

I really wanna learn how to make proper leads in 3xosc. At the moment I can only manage to make basses and saws.. And things like I showed u here.

Thanks for the tips. It'll really help out.

-Cheers Brando

You thought what ?! :|

You thought we guys wouldnt like your music ?!?!.
Well that is totally wrong :P one of the worst mistakes i have heard so far :P

Ill be honest : I have never heared a better hardstyle / nustyle / hardtrance melody than this one. not only the synths are perfect, but so is your impressive melody.

My goodness :P. i realy dont have a clue how you have made these. im not hearing any Nexus or Z3ta in it :P.

And for the bass, yea that is something you can improve on.
Lemme give you a tip :

Load a new sample, and replace it for a 3xOsC
Put them on the third/fourth square from the right, and put them on one of the lowest notes at the piano roll, and check it out :P. when u think its cool, you can filter the bass a little bit with the fruity free filter or parametric EQ II, so that you get the same sound as you have in this song, but then ten times harder.

(do not put your bass on the max volume, speaking out of experience)

first time when i did that, the subwoofer fell straight on my head because it kinda jumped a bit when it had to amplify my bass/kick :P.

Anyway, srry for this craplong review :P.
GJ mate :D keep em coming.

Greets St0rmChaser
10/10 5/5 downloaded

Dj-Brand0 responds:

lol guess what I've been learning 3xOsc for the past 2 days and It's freaking awesome!! I made a new song to submit into the hardstyle collab. It sounds pretty nice. Amazing bass.

LOL my speakers aren't big enough.. to fall on my head XD <3 I want some. I'll submit the demo of the new hardstyle.

The lead is a big mix of nexus. Leads from hardstyle exp, dance exp dance presets etc. Mainly used contrasting sounds to make it good.

When I think about it.. it sounds pretty good :D
lol everything sounds much better listening to it on newgrounds.
Thanks heaps man.

-Cheers Brando

PS: A long review is never bad. It's great to see you put the effort into making it actually long :D

Hi, im St0rmChaser. i was DJ Trezy once, but i felt i improved a lot, so i wanted to start clean again. well, if ya want to ask me something, dont hesitate, and ask me :). If you want me to review your things, you can also ask it !. greetz StormChaser.


Joined on 9/14/08

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